On Saturday 14 Jun 2003 3:31 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
> On Saturday 14 Jun 2003 2:13 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
> > On Saturday 14 June 2003 08:25 am, Gareth Qually wrote:
> > > I need an e-mail program that will not only work in linux and
> > > windows 2000, but also share data. The result I want to get is
> > > to be able to have the data shared across the two OS's. Anyone
> > > know of a program thatdoes this?
> >
> > Try something first that has both a Windows and a Linux version,
> > like mozilla.
> and of course keep your mails on a FAT32 partition so both Windows
> and Linux clients can read them.
Derek - the old netscape versions allowed you to specify where your 
mail was kept.  I haven't seen any way of doing it with netscape6 and 
later or mozilla.  Is it there?


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