fsck won't save my /boot partition: bad superblock.

At this point, i think i should fdisk hda6 and copy the /boot from knoppix 
over to it.

Does this make sense?

Or should i let the install cd format that section, and do a mini install?

Thanks for any advice,

On Saturday 14 June 2003 09:08 am, Richard Urwin wrote:
> On Saturday 14 Jun 2003 3:41 pm, Eric Huff wrote:
> > When i get knoppix going, what do i do with the partition?
> > I assume i would start with fsck?
> That'll be a good guess. It sort of depends on what you find.
> > If i can't recover the /boot partition, can i just copy the /boot files
> > from my other box that's runing ML9.1?
> That's straying into expert terratory. I would guess that the vanilla MDK
> kernel would run OK, more likely if both systems were installed using
> similar options. It's certainly worth trying as I imagine your other
> options are limited. If it fails try booting failsafe mode and you might be
> able to rebuild the kernel.
> If you can repair enough you should be able to get the repair option to run
> off the MDK CDs.
> Otherwise I would backup everything and reinstall.

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