rikona wrote:

I don't seem to have one of these. Is MD supposed to come set up with

my x desktop is built from accumulation of past distribs that i carry to new installs. icon for 'linux documents' is from somewhere around md 6.

I was going to set up a link, but I don't seem to have the dir
'/usr/share/doc/mandrake/en/index.html'. Did I not install something?

good question. i am still with md 9.0, as i have problems with md 9.1 dl.

When I'm hungry[desperate for a quick solution], feeding is nice. :-)

true, but when someone feeds you, do you look around on your own to find desert? like, more info about what you are in question about? or do you just accept answers with out further research?

Your short summary would be a good beginning for a 'HOW TO find info',
though. Might be very worthwhile for newbies.

my knowledge gained is from having been in unix from 70's and 80's. over time, what i have learned is from a lot of reading of books, man pages and howto's.

from what i have noted in a lot of newbie questions, many questions are asked
because newbies do not take enough time, of put fort enough effort to find out
how linux works on their own. no reflection on anyone, just something that comes
about from way things are when someone is an ms windows user. ms windows is, with
out question, easier than x-windows. linux is not ms and hopefully never will be.

always remember, you get out of something what you are willing to put into it.
if you take an easy way by asking questions with out first looking for answers,
a day will come when you are in dire need of help, and no way to connect.

another is, i believe, that newbies have a tendency to try to 'keep up with
jones' by installing and updating every time there is a new release. what is
gained, is how to do installs and updates and nothing is learned about how and
what of systems themselves.

what would be of great help for newbies, is for replies to point newbies in a
direction to help themselves.

how many times have you seen answers given without any refs to man, info, or
howto's? much less hot links to places to find further info. tech lists have
become more of a 'quick answer' than they are true tech support learning place.

as for apropos, i have never found it to be all that helpful when it does work.

peace out.


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