On Monday 16 Jun 2003 9:22 pm, rikona wrote:
> Hello Anne,
> Monday, June 16, 2003, 12:27:17 PM, you wrote:
> AW> As I have stated before, I have a similar interest, in that I
> also AW> want to use video-conferencing, so I have done quite a bit
> of AW> reading  on the subject.
> Actually, my interest is only in the privacy/security aspects. I
> have no interest (yet) in video-conferencing or telephony, which
> seems to be where H.323 is used.
> I have, on several occasions, had an individual app-aware firewall
> report that some pgm is trying to access the net. This has been
> helpful in detecting call-home junk that may have ended up on my
> comp. This junk sometimes comes with commercial pgms, too.
Yes, under windows I found that comforting.

> Sine there doesn't seem to be a linux app-aware firewall, I was
> interested in a centralized solution. The key is that the firewall
> has to know about EVERY possible access, even from pgms that try to
> hide their call home. Highly unlikely they would use H.323. :-))

I think you've missed the point, rikona.  You don't allow anything and 
everything to do it's own thing.  You specify exactly what you want 
to have access.  You keep the control.

I've lots more reading to do to understand this, but it's not the 
security hole you think it is - at least not properly configured.


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