On Tue, 17 Jun 2003 05:16:50 -0700 (PDT)
Tango Echo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> I want the best image possible - but I also don't want
> to end up with a headache card for Linux.  Is this new
> info from Jure? or should I just stop wasting my time
> and give up on ATI before shelling out $150+???

Statistically, ATI has more probs with their drivers than Nvidia. You
*can* and I am quite sure, with the help of the people on this list,
esp Femme Fatale and Tom Brinkman, be able to get an ATI to work with
Linux, but as I say, Nvidia is a no-brainer, I have *never* had a single
prob with my various Nvidia cards, right from my old TNT2, my GF2, and
now my GF4 Ti. In *fact*, when I got my Ti, I just powered down, took
out the GF2, popped in the GF4 and I was good to go.

You are correct, ATI has implemented some pretty impressive features, so
if you want em that bad, and you're willing to risk doing a little
tweakin here and there, go for it. We'll be here for you.

Well, I won't, cuz I don't know shite about gettin ATI cards to work,
but you will find help.

+ Joe Hill
+ Registered Linux user #282046
+ Homepage: http://nodex.sytes.net
+ People say Linux is ugly. How does that make you feel?
+ Torvalds: They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution
+ comes.                  

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