Forget the theme manager and look under Window Decorations

On Wed, 4 Jun 2003 08:20 am, Gerard Godin wrote:
> > So I began today's adventure by typing what you
> > suggested: urpmi <package name>.  "Everything already
> > installed" was the reply.  Just to make sure I urpme'd
> > the pacage and urpmi'd it again - for a clean install.
> > Went in fine.  "Great, so now I should be able to just
> > restart KDE, open the theme manager and see it
> > installed".  Unfortunately that was not the case.  I
> > restarted KDE, but just the default 4 themes are
> > listed in the theme manager.  Am I supposed to hit the
> > "Add..." button?  Is there something really obvious
> > I'm missing here?
> I'm at exactly the same place.. Can;t seem to find it anywhere in the
> list no matter what I do, even though it is installed.
> I sooo want it,  :)
> Gerard

      Trevor Rhodes
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