revolt wrote:
Charles A Edwards wrote:

On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 21:05:02 -0600
revolt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Couldn't load PyQT module! Check it's installed properly.

Do you have PyQt installed?



urpmi installed PyQt-3.5-1.mdk for me. I have been looking for a newer version without any luck so far. I checked the frequent problems page which wasn't much help (I do not want to compile it from source if possible, since I have rarely had much luck compiling stuff in the past.)

Have you had any luck with this software under mdk 9.1? Has anyone else who might be reading this?
I can't help you with quickrip, but I'd like to suggest another program called DVD:Rip.  Here's a link to a short tutorial on how to get it started:

Here the program's home page:

The following is the way to get DVD:Rip as well as a large number of other updates and miscellaneous programs.

Copy and paste the lines with quotation marks around them in a terminal logged in as root.

Add the sources to urpmi:
"urpmi.addmedia plf with"
"urpmi.addmedia main rsync:// with ../base/"

"urpmi.addmedia contrib rsync:// with ../../i586/Mandrake/base/"

"urpmi.addmedia --update updates rsync:// with ../base/"

"urpmi.addmedia texstar with"

This will add the sources titled plf, main, contrib, texstar, and updates.  With this combination you will be able to get the most recent version of DVD:Rip, and it's dependencies, packaged for Mandrake.

Note that some of the sources use rsync instead of ftp.  This will make it much faster in the future when you want to update.  When it downloads the list file that describes the files available for download it will only need to download the changes in the list file, not the whole thing.

Download and install the program and all of it's dependencies:
"urpmi -va dvdrip css2 divx4linux"
That should do it.  Just follow the directions in the tutorial linked to above after everything is installed.

If you already about all of the urpmi sources and about rsync and all that I apologize.  It's very late and I need sleep.  If I have forgotten anything I apologize as it's very late and I need sleep.  :-)

Good luck.

Brant Fitzsimmons

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
				-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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