On Saturday 21 June 2003 02:04 pm, Michael Scottaline wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 16:28:50 -0400
> JoeHill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> insightfully noted:
> >On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 13:38:06 -0600
> >
> >FemmeFatale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> >> Joes makes me thinks "Gun nut".
> >
> >you misunderstand, I have a certain sympathy with the individualist who
> >resists authority, and I recognize that *sometimes* it is necessary to
> >take up arms against the imposition of an immoral authority. For
> >example, I see nothing wrong with what the Zapatistas did in Mexico, or
> >what Che and Fidel did to Batista and his band of criminal thugs in
> >Cuba.
> ============================
> In retrospect though, tough to consider Fidel an "individiualist", no???  I
> often think that Che was partially motivated to leave by the way in which
> he saw Fidel moving.  My guess is that there are many "individualists" in
> Cuba today in hiding, or rotting in prisons :(
> ====================
> >Of course the other is offensive. The guy was a fscking Nazi!
> ===============
> Definitely NOT an individualist :)
> Best,
> Mike
Speaking of revolution did anyone ever read "Come October" byA. E. van Vogt ?
(I think that was the author)

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