I have selected Higher Security, since I am considering using my system as a
web server at some point (after I have a much more indepth knowledge).  The
partition I am using is approximately 1.7GB in size.  I did a very minimal
install when I installed Linux.  I installed the internet package, as well
as both Gnome and KDE, but nothing else.  I should have had at least 1GB of
space left.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Derek Jennings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:34 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Error when trying to load KDE and Gnome

> On Tuesday 24 Jun 2003 1:20 am, Wade Waldron wrote:
> > I have tried to run both KDE and Gnome and get hung up on either.  They
> > start to load and then just stop and the system hangs.  I have pressed
> > Ctrl F1 to get to a prompt.  From here I pressed the windows key on my
> > keyboard.  This brings up a list of errors which are scrolling by so
fast I
> > can not read them.  I have been able to make out part of the error.  It
> > says "localhost xinetd [A seemingly random number] sgi fam PID [A
> > number I assume] from <no address> ....I can not tell what is here....
> > local host is not connected"  It also flashes "warning: can't get client
> > address" although I can not tell where this fits in.  Does anyone know
> > this error means and how I can stop it?  I should note that the number
> > xinetd and PID both change each time the message flashes.  It seems like
> > the system gets hung up because it is trying to perform an operation but
> > keeps failing so it tries again.
> >
> > Incidentally, someone suggested that I look in var/log/messages.  I
> > but I can not access the file because I do not have permission.  I tried
> > login as root, but that does not seem to work.  The login prompt I am
> > recieving is "localhost login: " when I enter root and the password it
> > tells me incorrect login.  I know the password is correct so am I also
> > doing something wrong here?
> >
> > Please, any help would be very much appreciated.
> >
> > Wade
> When you installed did you select 'High Security' ?
> If so then console logins as root are not permitted.
> You can get around the issue by logging in as a normal user then entering
> su <enter>
> followed by root password. You will then become root user.
> ( If you have selected High Security, then it is really over the top for a
> desktop system. Standard Security is much more secure than any Windows
> you have used.)
> As for your messages 'fam' is a process which checks to see if disc
> are full. So I wonder if you have installed in a partition that is too
> (or have installed too much)
> derek
> -- 
> ----------------------------------
> www.jennings.homelinux.net


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