On June 25, 2003 03:49 am, Robin Turner wrote:
> Frankie wrote:
> > Why???
> >
> > This will not hurt apple as much as you think..
> > The reason is that M$ make their money in the PC world just from the
> > software.. so when people don't use it, it hurts them..
> >
> > If people buy a mac, and put linux on it.. I can't see Apple being too
> > upset about it.. since they got the money from the hardware anyway..
> >
> > Mac users are a loyal lot.. I can't see many of them swapping to a
> > intel/amd system with linux.. more likely they might dual boot their mac
> > with linux.. so in light of that, I can't see apple losing market share
> > because of linux..
> >
> > And it might have another benefit as well..  if apple gets any pressure
> > from this..they might start advertising that linux on a mac is the best
> > linux.. which can only be a good thing..
> I agree, especially about the loyalty of Mac users. Some of them talk to
> their Macs.  Mac could even end up supporting Linux for some of its
> users who need that sort of thing (rather like Sun do).
> One thing I noticed when checking the article that the linked article
> used as a source was that it said that Linux was predicted to overtake
> Macintosh by the end of the year, but not that it was eating Apple's
> market share, as the first article implied.  On the contrary, it said
> that this growth in Linux would push MS's desktop market share below
> 90%, implying that only a smalll proportion of this Linux growth would
> be at the expense of Apple. The author's main point was about browsers;
> if over 10% of web users are not using IE, then webmasters would have a
> much greater incentive to make their sites standards-compliant, avoiding
> those IE-only tags which other browsers sometimes choke on.  This in
> turn would encourage users to try alternative browsers to IE.
> Sir Robin

In terms of combined desktops yes...but follow again to the actual report the 
article is based on and it says something different.  It does indeed refer to 
installed base of Linux desktops passing Apple by year end.

My crack about Mac users hating Linux is based on fact when I talk to Apple 
users.  They are even more in the FUD mode than the MS hacks and trollers out 
there.  And it does relate back to the fact that Apple users do, in fact, 
love their machines and can't for the life of them see why anyone would use 
anything else.  Most of the ones I speak to aren't even aware that there are 
PPC versions of Linux out there but even suggesting that brings wide eyed 
rage from most of them.

True, there are a few who will dual boot, but not many from my experience.

And yes, it would be wonderful if developers would stop those silly IE only 
tags out there.  Or popups that say "we only support Windows Media Player" as 
if that's the be all and end all.  So if the article accomplishes that it 
will be helpful.  Then again, how many MSCE's read Business Week?

How many MSCE's can read? :-)



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