Well, that was an eye-opener

AOpen has 4 56K v.90 modems listed for PCI and two are called software
modems while the other two are called controller-less modems. Reading on
carefully, I get the picture--two are called HSP and two are called
winmodems.  They use differing Rockwell Chipsets..  Moreover, AOpen

"Meanwhile, On Line Gaming will occupy most CPU loading and AOpen will
not guarantee playing quality. "

In other words, if you want to play Quake, rotsaruck!  (American
vernacular for "Good Luck, you will need it!")

On the ISA bus, they have 5 modems and none say they are software.  They
also have a combo card using Crystal Sound and a Rockwell chipset that
looks like an honest hardware modem

Moreover they have two externals for serial port use (both honest) and
two USB interface externals (one HSP, and one real modem).

All of them are AOpen 56K modems.

If you bought yours as part of a ready-made computer, there is a very
high probability that the "modem" you have is in the "rotsaruck",
category, especially if your purchase was recent.

Any of these numbers is BAD news for use with linux.

FM56PVS  (It is a real modem, but cannot do V.90--go to
http://english.aopen.com/products/modem/default.htm and follow the
instructions there for an upgrade.

Most others should be OK.

Chris, I went a little farther than most on this list would in
researching the AOpen site for you.  Sometime, when you have learned a
lot, remember that and be willing to do it for someone else.  Most would
have pointed you to the site and let you struggle, which would certainly
have promoted your frustration and your learning.  So go to the site and
read thoroughly and work on understanding what they are saying.  If you
have problems with my bad-list, then post some questions.

Also, look in the archives of this email list. The access is at
www.linux-mandrake.com where you were given the instructions about how
to join the list.  Ramon Gandia  did an excellent short article on the
"rotsarucks" from the perspective of an ISP in August.   Search on his
name, none of his posts would fail to contribute to one's education.


P. S.  Please turn off the HTML for list posts.  It is considered most
courteous to post in plain text.  I was inadvertently posting in both
til someone brought it to my attention.

chris wrote:

> Will Linux accept my AOpen 56k modem?
> Thanks,                    Chris Cook

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