On Mon, 2003-06-30 at 09:19, FemmeFatale wrote:
> I want to run an MNF Server and add the ability to have it serve files by 
> ftp or something similar. 

You can't.

Mon Jun 30 21:45:01 EST 2003
 21:45:01 up 5 days, 21:31,  3 users,  load average: 1.01, 1.09, 1.08
|            __    __          |kuhn media australia            |
|           /-oo /| |'-.       |http://kma.0catch.com           |
|          .\__/ || |   |      |================================|
|       _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'      |stephen kuhn                    |
|      | /  \__.`=._) (_       | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1 & RH 7.3  
     Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence ...
in time every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent
to carry out its duties ... Work is accomplished by those employees who
have not yet reached their level of incompetence.
                -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter, "The Peter Principle"

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