On Mon, 2003-06-30 at 16:01, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> On Monday 30 June 2003 03:13 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> >    Well, I saw you got an answer, now don't bet on it like I infer
> > you're fixin too ;) A knowledge, even intuitively, of random
> > mathematics, theory of chaos, would suggest that past numbers would
> > be more unlikely to turn up than those in future sets? More likely
> > to included? Answer is No to both, but what t'hey, try usin those
> > sorted numbers, or avoid usin 'em. Tickets don't cost much, but
> > buyin multiple tickets only increases your losses, not your chances
> > in any appreciable sense. Worst way to decrease chances is usin the
> > same number set all the time. Specially if they would'a won the one
> > time you forgot to play 'em ;>
> Ya know, there is a family in our county that used the same number from the 
> time that the Lottery started here in Kentucky. Played it straight thru, 
> every drawing for about 3 years before getting disgusted and quitting.
> IIRC, the next week their number came up. Talk about some heart-broken people! 
> It made the newspaper in a small article....

one of my best friends in Fla., on the very first lottery held in Fla.
missed the 30 mil Jackpot by one number, (he had a 30, and 31 would have
gotten all 6 numbers) even tho he won about 20 grand, he was so very
upset that it took him about 4 months before he could enjoy having won
20 grand, and he spent it all on a new pickup truck, the same day he
picked it up from the state. 

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