Yeah, it is buggy but on my home system, it just works. And Krusader is Klunky =) by comparison IMHO. I prefer XWC and this is the only system that it falls over on. I wish XWC was still being maintained, hell of a FM.



FemmeFatale wrote:

At 09:48 AM 7/4/2003 +1200, you wrote:

Hi All,

Got a strange one for you. This has happened on 2 separate installs (9.1) on the same laptop (an Asus L2400D). I installed XWC (File Manager similar to WinExplorer), and it works for users just fine at first. After using it for a day or so, it stops being able to start. Now when a user tries to start it, it just sends the hard drive into overdrive but never actually starts the program. I have tried to uninstall/reinstall it to no avail. I sometimes have to killX just to get my system back again. Sometimes after the hard drives screams for a few minutes, it just goes back to normal without ever starting XWC. If I start it from a console, there are no error messages but it still never starts and never gives me a prompt back. I can't find a config file to delete or anything either. If I start it as root from a console, it runs fine. It is sooo weird. This just happened on fresh install of 9.1 as well.

Any ideas appreciated,



I found XWC buggy as hell & switched to Krusader instead. Far better FM that is similar to Explorer. Gentoo is good too but its a lot harder to learn ...
FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

Good Decisions Your boss Made:
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert


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