On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 22:58:43 -0400
JoeHill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am looking for some concise info on getting Postfix to pick up my
> POP3 mail and then farm it out to other clients on the LAN.
> The postfix docs, so far as I have, er, scanned...have nothing
> specific to this setup, so I am wondering if that is in fact what
> PostFix is intended for. I want to keep this simple so that one
> dedicated machine pops my mailserver, then me and my wife (who uses
> Lookout! Express<ouch>) grab it by whatever protocol (POP preferred I
> guess for simplicity's sake.
> All the howtos I see have to do with setting up your own e-mail
> *domain*, which is not quite what I want to do, well, not until I
> learn how to configure a DNS server <g>.
> Thanks all!


Would fetchmail do the trick? Fetchmail can get mail from all your POP3
and/or IMAP accounts and put the mails in a local user spool
(/var/spool/mail/user) which could then be sent on via forward or
retrieved by POP3 or IMAP.

Or am I misunderstanding what you want to do?


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