On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 15:44:25 +0100
On Thursday 17 Jul 2003 10:38 am, Frankie wrote:

> > Here is an example .fetchmailrc
> >
> > set postmaster "postmaster"
> > set bouncemail
> > set no spambounce
> > set daemon 1000
> > set logfile /var/log/mail/fetchmail
> >
> > poll pop.xxx.xxx.com with proto POP3
> >        user 'xxxxxxx' there with password 'xxxxxxxx' is 'franki'
> > here options fetchall
> >
> > That will run fetchmail as a daemon and it will check for mail
> > every 1000 seconds.
> > any mail it collects is handed to postfix. (which on my system uses
> > amavis-new,
> > Trend filescan for linux and Spamassassin to scan the mail for spam
> > and viri)
> > and then postfix hands the mail to procmail for local delivery.
> > (which the other
> > machines on your lan can use pop3 to collect.)
> >
> > hope that helps..

It does! Thanks, glad the fight is over, BTW.

Anyhow, and this is where you say RTFM, but I've got fetchmail grokked
(not very hard, I use it right now, but per user), and your exp is clear
on how Postfix takes it from fetchmail (automagically? ie., as soon as
postfix is running, it grabs the mail?).

Now, from what Derek explained below, Postfix will then pass the mail to
a store that I define in main.cf, correct? And then it will sit there
til someone's client "pops" it?

Ok, just thinking out loud, clarify, you know. I'm gonna keep reading
but please point out any flaws in the above logic if you can!

Registered Linux user #282046
Now I'm having INSIPID THOUGHTS about the beautiful, round wives of
HOLLYWOOD MOVIE MOGULS encased in PLEXIGLASS CARS and being approached
by SMALL BOYS selling FRUIT ...

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