On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 06:14:45 +0800
"Frankie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> If I might ask,, why did you load on the courier rpm??
> the only time I have done that was for imap..
> As far as pop3 goes, the normal imap rpm contains a perfectly 
> good pop3 server that is widely used, well documented and 
> easier to get working. (because you don't have to do anything 
> other then enable it in /etc/xinetd.d )

Okay, got that. Thanks, someone recommended Courier somewhere, I can't
remember...losing track...aaaaarrrrrrhhhh!

Installed the imap package, and I notice in /etc/xintetd.d I already
have imap, imaps, ipop2, and ipop3. Is it ipop3 I want? I looked in
drakconf under services, but it was not showing as "started", even after
a reboot.

> As for fetchmail,,, do this for a test..
> copy the .fetchmailrc to the root home directory and as root
> type: 
> fetchmail 
> (you might want to turn off or remove fetchmail-daemon first.)
> see if that gets your mail delivered properly..
> if it doesn't, install and run fetchmailconf
> (fetchmailconf-6.1.0-1.1mdk on my mdk9 system)

got that.

> Then run "fetchmailconf" in a root terminal....
> it will then all be pretty obvious what all the settings do its 
> a nice pretty gui.
> once you have all that sorted, reinstall fetchmail-daemon and 
> move your .fetchmailrc to /etc/fetchmailrc and give that a shot.
> see how that does it for you..

Thanks for the attention!

One question, I asked Todd below, could Postfix be interfering? Why
would the mail end up in /var/spool/mail/postfix? 

Registered Linux user #282046
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