Somebody scribbled about [newbie] cd-burning on 9.1
>Hello, there !
>I have installed Mandrake Linux 9.1 and everything is working fine.
>Nevertheless, the CD-burning via crucis is back again. I tried to
> configure K3b but it won't work. In the the first time, I allowed it to

I can't manage to get cdrdao to work. Admittedly, this is an old rev
of k3b, running on an even older Mandrake (9.0) -- there was a
difficulty in that my cooker partition refuses to boot with the new
toshiba drive.

k3b/cdrdao claims a known blank media is not blank, and says cdrdao 
returns some error. I'm trying to make audio CDs and haven't had any luck 
with cdrecord yet.

I have a new rev of k3b but it's not yet compiling still trying to bring 
in libraries etc. in this install of 9.0. So I'm getting 9.1 isos and 
will try burning them and start over.

> changes the fstab file - fortunately I copied it before the mess - and
> i didn't work. Then, I configured it again not allowing any changes,
> but it says I have to have the right permissions set.
>All the other related programs are not working because of permissions.
>I included my user, i.e., me, in the cdwriter group and the cdrom group.
>I would also like to run the Gimp in Brazilian Portuguese. I used
> LocaleDrake, but it didn't work. I don't know why. I think I have the
> necessary packages installed, but I may be wrong.
>Any tips or comments highly appreciated.

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