On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 13:33:42 +0100
Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> The result of a 
> programmer's work is *not* information,

Really? Looks like bits and bytes to me, but then I am no programmer.

The programmer is being paid for his/her efforts and time, in the end.
Whether he or she releases the source code is up to him/her.

The point is, it is up to creative types, artists, programmers, what
have you, to enforce their own copyrights, it is not a matter for the
criminal law. Sure, downloading Photoshop for free is not "right", but
it is not a criminal offense. No existing property was actually stolen,
no quantifiable harm has been done. That is why the BSA's estimates of
how much money is lost each year to software piracy is such a load of
bull. Who's to say if I didn't download it I would actually buy it?

This is why I swithed from warez pirate to OS Linux, I didn't want to
get into that whole sha-mozzle. It's a dead end street.


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