On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 22:33:21 +0800
"Frankie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Once again Joe, we find ourselves at the opposite end of
> the spectrum..

no, no, no, you are misunderstanding me.

> so you are saying that any creative works that is not a painting
> or sculture or other (real world item) has no value??

not at *all*. things have the value we give them. *All* I am saying
pertains to *legal* definitions, how they are and how they can be
improved. No one *ever* pays attention!

> I actually write small programs, and most often I give them
> away
> for free.. but not always..
> If I spend alot of time working on a script, i reserve the
> right to
> charge for it if I want to.. after all, I spend the hours
> and hours
> writing it.

of course you do, and rightly so, but if someone downloads the app and
misappropriates it, *it is not a criminal offense*, repeat after me, it
is a *civil* matter of contracts and copyrights!!!!!!

> Also, if 1000's of people start handing a script I wrote
> that is not
> free to all their mates..
> I am just a small guy, I can't afford to do anything about
> it.
> So they would all get away with it..

Tough. It's the way the game is played. If you are not willing to defend
your licenses and copyrights then get out of business. Sorry, I don't
mean to sound heartless...and if you take someone to court for breach of
contract or license, you don't pay a cent, they do.

> I know you probably don't care.. because you didn't spend
> days working
> on it..  but having something I worked so hard on totally
> devalued makes
> me very angry..

I *do* care, and you have no reason to be angry at me, I am arguing a
very specific point here, and people have taken it completely the wrong

> If I give it away for free like I normally do, thats fine,
> it was my
> choice.. but to have you decide its "information" and just
> hand it out
> is wrong and since I can't afford to go after anyone for it,
> they would
> all get away with it if there were not laws protecting me.

There *are* laws protecting you, just not criminal ones!

<whack more silliness>

> or should we have the right to own what we create just like
> a person that creates a sculpture or paints a picture etc...

ah, now there's the rub. can you "own" information? Quite clearly not.
What you *can* own is the rights to use said info in your work, and if
you offer that info (app) for public consumption, then you do so
contractually. If someone violates that contract, fine, sue him.

> Does translation to 1's and 0's make something worthless?
> because the same can be done for your genitical profile....

No, but it makes it information and therefore no longer a matter for the
criminal courts. Of course it has value, just don't ask the F.B. f'ckn
I. to arrest people who appropriate your code! As far as "genetical"
code, of course no one should own that, it is a product of nature, we
only tinker here and there. Owning genetic code is ridiculous and, quite
frankly, a frightening concept.

-- Joehill
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