or should we have the right to own what we create just like
a person that creates a sculpture or paints a picture etc...

Unfortunately, the creator/author of a work is seldom the person to reap the greatest benefit from his creativity/creation. Rather, the distributor of the creative work usually reaps an undue reward ... RIAA, auction houses, theaters, movie producers, publishers, etc., are examples.

I could never understand why recording artists did NOT immediately latch on to some "nickle-a-pop" revision "napster", etc. and make it their own.


Frankie wrote:

Once again Joe, we find ourselves at the opposite end of
the spectrum..

so you are saying that any creative works that is not a
or sculture or other (real world item) has no value??

so Lord of the rings should have always been free because
its just

I actually write small programs, and most often I give them
for free.. but not always..

If I spend alot of time working on a script, i reserve the
right to
charge for it if I want to.. after all, I spend the hours
and hours
writing it.

Also, if 1000's of people start handing a script I wrote
that is not
free to all their mates..

I am just a small guy, I can't afford to do anything about
So they would all get away with it..

I know you probably don't care.. because you didn't spend
days working
on it..  but having something I worked so hard on totally
devalued makes
me very angry..

If I give it away for free like I normally do, thats fine,
it was my
choice.. but to have you decide its "information" and just
hand it out
is wrong and since I can't afford to go after anyone for it,
they would
all get away with it if there were not laws protecting me.

So what is the answer Joe, you can't have it both ways..
should we all
stop programmign potentially useful software because its not
anything... or should we have the right to own what we
create just like
a person that creates a sculpture or paints a picture etc...

Does translation to 1's and 0's make something worthless?
because the same can be done for your genitical profile....


Franki htmlfixit.com

-----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of JoeHill Sent: Tuesday, 22 July 2003 9:07 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] MS is at it again...

On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 13:33:42 +0100 Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

The result of a
programmer's work is *not* information,

Really? Looks like bits and bytes to me, but then I am no programmer.

The programmer is being paid for his/her efforts and time,
in the end.
Whether he or she releases the source code is up to him/her.

The point is, it is up to creative types, artists,
programmers, what
have you, to enforce their own copyrights, it is not a
matter for the
criminal law. Sure, downloading Photoshop for free is not
"right", but
it is not a criminal offense. No existing property was
actually stolen,
no quantifiable harm has been done. That is why the BSA's
estimates of
how much money is lost each year to software piracy is such
a load of
bull. Who's to say if I didn't download it I would actually
buy it?

This is why I swithed from warez pirate to OS Linux, I
didn't want to
get into that whole sha-mozzle. It's a dead end street.


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