On Tuesday 22 Jul 2003 9:18 pm, JoeHill wrote:
> No, I don't appreciate being treated with disdain by someone whom I have
> gone *out of my way* to be nice to, to help, to treat as a friend.
> You only get one chance with me, unfortunately, in that kind of
> situation.
> So, fuck off.

Wow, you really are a prick aren't you?  The mails that I replied to earlier I 
now notice were direct to you.  Despite being polite you chose to be abusive 
in return.

Your reply to Anne, who is unfailingly courteous, not to mention one of the 
regulars who will help anyone with a problem, says far more about you than 
you can imagine.  I'd like to imagine you as a sulky teenager which would at 
least provide some sort of poor excuse for you, unfortunately I suspect the 
rreality falls in the first line of this reply.


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