Lanman is the dude..

For myself I would like to apologise for my participation in
that thread at all.
I write software so I took it too personal is all.

Gene, we all will and do attempt to help people on this list
whenever we can,
regardless of the OT stuff that apears here as well.

I'd help more myself, but every time i go to, I still have
100 emails from the list
to read and discover that person in need has already been
answered several times and
no longer requires my help.. :-) I do occasionally get their
first though.. and when
I do, I secretly flip Stephen the bird :-)

Welcome to the list, apologies for my bad behaviour and I
hope you have a long and
productive relationship with the us....

And your all welcome to go out on the boat with me any
time..its only small, so you'll
have to do it in groups.. but its great fun and is the sole
reason I have yet to
have a brain embolism...  (you'll have to bring your own
alcohol though :-)



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Lanman
Sent: Wednesday, 23 July 2003 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Help me out

I'm with Stephen on this one Gene! Welcome and well said,
Sir Knight! Get a good grip , and hang on for a hell of a

In the past, you may have heard such expressions as "Trust
me! I'm from the government. I'm here to help"! You probably
laughed about such things, ( as did we! ), but here, when
the list members aren't flaming Microsoft, SCO, or each
other (Grin! Grin!) they're usually a bunch of warm-hearted,
generous, humorous, and helpful individuals. Especially
helpful! For the most part they're a good bunch. Sorry you
had to join up in the middle of a nasty thread. It's just
that some of the list members are grouchy because they've
been forced to use Microsoft stuff at work.

I myself have been on this list for far too long, but even
so, I've learned a huge amount of important things. For
Instance, Stephen Kuhn needs to get some newer ties (!?),
Frankie has a boat and likes to drink whenever he takes it
out on the water ( I'm very jealous about that by the way!),
Femme Fatale and Anne both seem to have their heads screwed
on real good, and often provide maturity whenever the gang
starts a ruckus ( Man! Talk about scoring brownie points
with the "Babes" ! ), and occasionally we even talk about
Linux! Did I mention that they also have a great sense of

Seriously, though,...Welcome to "Our Gang", and I for one
hope you stick around long enough to learn everything you
can about Linux. That way , the rest of us can hop on a
plane, and drop in on Stephen and Frankie, where we'll all
go boating, drinking, and other "stuff", knowing that you'll
be here to take up the slack!

So, where's everyone else? C'Mon people! Jump in here and
say Hi to Gene!


*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 7/23/2003 at 12:37 PM Stephen Kuhn wrote:

>On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 08:24, Gene Barker wrote:
>> I am a new linux user, about a month.  I need your help,
speaking to
>> the 4newbie! group.
>> I joined this group in hopes of learning more of linux
and solutions
>> to problems I may have.  I have been inundated with
emails from our
>> group, most of them not very useful. May I request 2
>>      1. Limit or eliminate political or philosophical
discussions from
>>         this channel.  Lets use it as a tool to learn of
>>      2. The answers to legitimate questions are sometimes
cryptic and
>>         hard for me to follow.  A little more information
or a way to
>>         follow the conversation would be helpful to me.
>>         suggestions would be appreciated.
>> Cordially,
>> Gene Barker
>Gene, welcome.
>       One thing you might want to do is to turn on "message
threading" in
>your email client (if you can) - it helps to discern
between what is a
>random message and what is a "conversation" - or threaded
>       Anyways, what can we do for you?
>Wed Jul 23 12:35:00 EST 2003
> 12:35:00 up 9 days,  4:38,  2 users,  load average: 0.36,
0.19, 0.17
>|            __    __          |kuhn media australia
>|           /-oo /| |'-.       |
>|          .\__/ || |   |
>|       _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'      |stephen kuhn
>|      | /  \__.`=._) (_       | email:
>  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+ &
RH 9
>      Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
> * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free
computer *
>Love is in the offing.  Be affectionate to one who adores
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