Because trying to live life believing and what we believe, do, etc. can be 
"put in a box" and some how separated from everything else is part of the 
reason the world is in such a mess.  It is IMPOSSIBLE to completely isolate 
ethics from business (or ANY aspect of life).  
Situational ethics, or "if it feels good, do it", has the effect of destroying 
life, and part of life is Linux (and the developement, learning curve 
thereof), relationships, countries, etc.

This list (and life in general) are not for you if you can not make brief 
excusions into philosophy (real life).
Keith (living a joy filled life)  :)

On Wednesday 23 July 2003 09:00 am, Curt Tresenriter wrote:
> What does this have to do with MS.... or Linux for that matter?
> Don't know why this rubs me the wrong way but Mark has generously
> provided server space for "REALLY OTs";  so why do so many insist on
> wasting newbie server space and bandwidth of those who have no interest
> in off topic discussions?
> I would think that  the least that could be done is to change the
> subject line to reflect the topic being discussed so at least I could
> avoid everyone's opinions on subjects which have no interest for me.
> Am I alone on this?
> Sorry to blow up like that.
> On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 08:39, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 18:36, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > > I can well believe it.  I don't think anyone has come up with a
> > > perfect system.  My own solution is to put all politicians in a room
> > > and shoot the lot, but then we'd probably get another crop coming up
> > > like weeds <g>
> > >
> > > Anne
> >
> > When humanity is smart enough to live by the initial 10 rules laid down,
> > and do so without deviation, revision or amendment - and live by those
> > same rules honourably and inherently, there will no longer be a need for
> > politicians, religious leaders or any such nonsense.

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