On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 13:31, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 Jul 2003 4:24 am, Sharrea wrote:
> > Disclaimer: I'm NO expert on iptables but I've been playing around with
> > these scripts lately too.  If my advice here is incorrect, someone
> > please correct me.
> I was using IP-masquerading Howto scripts. I have installed iptables in
> the gateway. But disabled its daemon service. Then I installed the
> scripts given in the above howto. It had default policy of drop for
> forward and but below it had
> ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere
> Still when I did ping ISP dns, I was not successful. But making the
> default policy ACCEPT for forward,  then I could get connected and
> browse. Here only I needed clarification why the above line almost equal
> to default ploicy of ACCEPT didn't allow me to ping ISP dns.

I think it depends on what rules follow after that one.  If the packet is 
accepted with the first rule, it is then checked with the next rule, then 
the next, etc until all rules have been traversed - unless one of the rules 
applies that tells iptables to drop/reject the packet or jumped to another 
rule/chain.  Lastly (I think) it is checked against the default policy.

I'm not very good at explaining this I know.

If you have a default policy of DROP on your INPUT chain, then you need to 
specifically allow packets from wherever to whatever ip/port.  There are 
*many* ways of doing this.  Examples:

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p UDP -s 0/0 --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
will accept all udp packets from anywhere with a source port 53.

will accept all udp packets that are input via your internet interface (eg. 
ppp0) and are destined for port 53.

will accept all udp packets that are input via your LAN interface (eg. eth0) 
and are destined for port 53.

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p ICMP -s 0/0 --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT
will accept all icmp packets of type 8 from anywhere 

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p ICMP -s 0/0 --icmp-type 11 -j ACCEPT
will accept all icmp packets of type 11 from anywhere

***NOTE***  As I don't know how your script is written, the above rules may 
not work for you with reference to the variables as shown.

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