On Thursday 24 July 2003 06:58 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> On Friday 25 July 2003 00:11, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > Look, I'd be more than happy to answer real questions for Cody if Cody
> > wanted to make use of the information properly, run his system properly,
> > answer threaded emails properly, have some decency and respect for those
> > of us that are willing to lend a hand instead of constantly "biting the
> > hand that feeds"...
> >
> > My rant is over with.
> I second the rant...Cody does seem to take the easy way out or has to
> review his attitude.
> BTW: Stephen on trying to find this mail back so I could reply to it...I
> saw (whilst doing a search on "kuhn") that you've sent 1642 messages to
> this list since 9.1 is out (i.e. 9.0 wasn't a topic anymore).
> Incredible for someone who has dial-up.....keep on trucking:o)

More than that he has replied backchannel to a lot of us..I second the motion 

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