On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 11:31, Josenildo Marques wrote:

> Thanks, Todd Slater.
> However, there is something strange. There wasn't a file called menu.xml in 
> that folder. Even so, i ran menumaker as you instructed and it created the 
> file mymenu.xml which I moved into  ~/.xfce4/ 
> The menu doesn't show up. What could be wrong ?
> Thanks again.
> JM

I thought the menu.xml would live in either /usr/local/etc/xfce4/ or in
/usr/etc/xfce4 or /etc/xfce4 => at least I know mine lives in
/usr/local/etc/xfce4 => so the menu created with MenuMaker got copied
there then edited to suit my purposes...

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sophisticated is -- being tired.
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