On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 19:12, John Wilson wrote:
> On July 26, 2003 03:42 am, _nasturtium wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> >     Would that product be XTree?
> >
> > Anyway,
> >     http://www.symantec.com/corporate/
> >     "Historical Highlights"
> >     June 1994 Central Point Software Acquisition
> >
> >     I think Symantec owns Central Point Software ... unless there's two
> > companies by the same name?
> >
> > Regards,
> >     _nasturtium
> XTree was one product I was thinking of, though if memory serves (which it 
> sometimes doesn't) that was the DOS product not the Windoze one.  It was 
> wonderful though.
> You know, you're right about Symantec picking up the pieces of the defunct 
> Central Point.  Just goes to show how good the above mentioned memory is at 
> midnight after a 10 hour day at work :-)
> ttfn
> John
> ______________________________________________________________________
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There was also the disk-compression software,Stacker. 

Ms offered to allow the developer/company to add it to MS-DOS 6 without
paying them royalties. For some reason they refused, Ms put in
double-space - & got sued. had to withdraw 6.0, and replace it with 6.1
without compression, had to pay out USD 120 million.

 Ms also had the nerve to counter-sue and won about USD 20M because Stac
reverse-engineered double-space to find the infringements, and therby
broke trade agreements.

Paul M

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