On Monday 28 July 2003 08:29 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
> Derek Jennings wrote:
> >On Monday 28 Jul 2003 6:19 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
> >>On Sunday 27 July 2003 09:51 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
> >>>On Sunday 27 July 2003 05:03 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
> >>>>On Sunday 27 July 2003 05:58 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
> >>>>>Any body know why the cryptographic keys are not found for so many
> >>>>>packages from mandrake lately?
> >>>>
> >>>>Do you have texstars rpms loaded as a source?  Could be you don't have
> >>>>his sig on file.  Just guessing
> >>>
> >>>** Yes I set up texstar with urpmi
> >>
> >>so then you probably do need to import his key to your computer, but I am
> >>sorry I can't tell you how to do that, somebody jump in here, I'm going
> >> to bed. HTH and luck,
> >
> >To install Texstars key just follow the instructions on Texstars site.
> >http://www.pclinuxonline.com/gpgkey.html
> >
> >derek
> So I did,
> I downloaded the keys,  but,
> GPG Key Instructions
> ====================
> Rpmdrake requires the maker of the rpm to sign their rpms. Here is how
> to download
> and install my gpg key.
> Download my pubring.gpg key for Linux Mandrake 9.1
> Drop to the console and su to root.
> Type: gpg --import pubring.gpg
> Thats it! Now when installing my rpms via rpmdrake you will no longer
> get invalid
> or not signed warnings.
> Texstar
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# gpg --import pubring.gpg
> gpg: can't open `pubring.gpg': No such file or directory
> gpg: Total number processed: 0
> I tried cd to directory ,gpg-keys,and did the same,  but that didn't work.
> Iwould guess that the keys have to go somewhere not stipulated, and then
> run the command, but if so where ?
> John
John, if you know where the file pubring.gpg is, then navigate to that file in 
konqueror and check the file permissions and also look at the size. If it is 
0 bytes then a fresh d/l is called for. 
Here is what I got:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Documents]# gpg --import pubring.gpg
gpg: key 9B4A4024: "MandrakeSoft (MandrakeSoft official keys) 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" not changed
gpg: key 22458A98: "Linux Mandrake Security Team 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" not changed
gpg: key 70771FF3: "Mandrake Linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" not changed
gpg: key 8765ACFD: public key "texstar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 4
gpg:               imported: 1
gpg:              unchanged: 3

So the last thing is make sure you are in the folder that the pubring.gpg got 
downloaded into, cause it looks like you are in root folder and not in your 
user folder where the download probably put it. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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