On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 13:10:09 -0700
Eric Huff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Isn't it easier to simply suppress popups (Moz) or use smart denial of
> > popups (Konq)?
> For popups that is probably true, assuming you are using moz or konq.
> But this was for ads that don't popup.
> Some sites i go to have flashy ads that make page scrolling jumpy just
> because the animation is running.
> Also, it's nicer to read pages w/o the ads cluttering it up.
> eric

I actually wondered about blocking requests from HTML to servers other than the page 
originator. This would break some sites, but i wonder how many of those sites i want 
to see anyways. It would work something like this.

I follow a link    > HTTP page request (server details noted)
page comes in      < HTTP page delivery
browser renders HTML
HTML code requests a graphic/etc
                   > HTTP request to noted server approved
                    -HTTP request to any other server dropped

My guess is it could only be implimented on the browser itself. Be one hell of a 
security feature though, less than half the cookies, and speed up surfing no end.


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