On Tuesday 29 Jul 2003 5:29 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
> On Monday 28 July 2003 10:46 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > On Tue, 2003-07-29 at 13:24, Dennis Myers wrote:
> > > Has anyone installed two MLinux on two seperate HDs on the same
> > > comp and figured out how to get lilo to read them both at boot?
> > > I am trying to do it so that I can beta test and yet run the
> > > regular system when I am not running tests. Any hints or manual
> > > suggestions are appreciated, I have not found anything to help.
> >
> > It would truly be a matter of properly writting out the
> > /etc/lilo.conf of the first installation; the first installation
> > would write the lilo to the MBR of the first HD; then after
> > you've done all that wonderful jazz and gotten your primary
> > installation up and running, do a second installation on the
> > "second" drive, but choose to NOT write lilo; then make note of
> > the boot partition for the second installation and whatnot, and
> > then write that into the /etc/lilo.conf on the first drive.
> Thanks Stephen, that is essentially what I am trying to do, just
> not getting it right. I will try a clean install of the beta and
> not write lilo I think this is where I screwed up. Thanks again,

Just wondering - if you installed to the second drive without the 
first attached and let it write its lilo, wouldn't that give you the 
info you need?  Then re-attaching the first drive it would boot from 
the original lilo, Ithink, and you could add the necessary stanza?

Or am I crazy <g>


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