On Sat, 09 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Hrmmm... still no luck.  I'm trying to use a Riva TNT2 Ultra card, but
> obviously in 6.0 there's no support for it.  So I've tried a variety of
> options, from just the plain TNT to Unsupported Cards.  I'm also using
> a Gateway Cystalscan 17" monitor.  When I run startx, the screen is
> still way too big.  If I Ctrl-alt-bspace back out, it shows that it is
> putting it in 320x204???  Crazy.  I've tried everything from 16 color
> VGA all the way up, and still can't seem to find the right combination.
>  Anyone have any bright ideas?
In that case (don't recall you stating what card you had before <G>)
You need to go get the RPM for the latest version of X, or download
and compile it yourself. There's support for the TNT cards in the
latest full-release version of Xfree86.

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