Go to this website, use the "find in pages" command on the edit menu and
type in your modem, or just browse the list. this is a table of modems
compatible with Linux. I found out a modem I thought wasn't a winmodem
uses a software controlled rockwell chipset :-(

If that doesn't work, go to the mandrakeuser.org website, click on the
hardware link, then the hardware resources link, then Winmodems
information page link about 3/4 of the way down the page.

Check this out and make sure it'll work under linux before beating your
head against the wall. The homepage for this website gives a really good
explanation why winmodems don't work.

One ruke of thumb- if the modem isn't compatble with DOS- it most likely
won't run under linux

Jeremy Kersenbrock wrote:
> Mike,
> First of all, I hope your modem has jumpers.  If not, I can be of no
> help.
> I had the same problem with my PnP USR Sportster 33.6.  Everybody told
> me that isapnp would work, but it didn't. I even did the confusing
> setserial stuff everybody told me to do and nothing worked.
> My modem has jumpers, so I just jumpered it to the COM # and IRQ instead
> of leaving it jumpered as Plug and Play.  If yours has jumpers, jumper
> it to COM1 and the generic IRQ 3.  I don't know how to tell what IRQ to
> really use, mine was already set to 3 so I used it and got rid of the
> "modem busy" messages immediately. Most likely you can just change the
> COM jumper and leave the IRQ jumper alone.
> I don't dual boot, so I don't know how this will affect Win95 -- you
> might have to remove the modem configuration and let it detect and
> reinstall it again as a non-PnP device.
> Hope this helps,
> Jeremy
> >
> > I've been fighting with my modem till I'm blue in the face.  kppp reports
> > that "modem is busy", but it's just sitting there.  I made sure when I bought
> > it that it was not a WinModem.
> >
> > I have an internal ISA Plug&Play US Robotics 56K Voice Faxmodem, model 5685.
> >
> > I have tried isapnp.
> >
> > I've set IRQs etc to what works with dual-boot 95.
> >
> > I've used modemtool.
> >
> > I'm using /dev/ttyS0 since I use COM1 on 95.  But I tried the other
> > /dev/ttySx devices as well.  No joy.
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Mike Dennison

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