On Saturday 02 Aug 2003 2:57 am, David E Fox wrote:
> > Here is an oddity in kmail. If I forget and do not login and get
> > messages, I can not send a message that I have formulated while
> > not logged on. And it
> Dennis - I have too seen this happen a couple of times with kmail.
> Usually it happens when I upgrade, or (maybe) if I alter my postfix
> configuration. I don't alter the postfix config, but I had to
> reinstall and make sure the working config was restored recently.
> Once it worked, it baffled me that a message couldn't be sent, and
> got stored in the outbox. But, when I restarted kmail, and clicked
> on "send queued", it was able to send it.
> I don't think the ISP is involved - at least here because my mail
> server is next to my left foot. :)  IOW I have mail to/from here
> using my dsl name.

I think tit's a kde bug, but perhaps one that affects different 
systems in different ways.  I my case I occasionally get messages 
stuck in the outbox, but they almost always go if I 'send queued 
messages'.  Just occasionally I have to close kmail and restart it.

I normally leave kmail open and polling for messages all night, and 
some mornings I find that it is better to re-start it - presumably so 
that it can do housekeeping.  HTH


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