On Sat, 09 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I've ran VMWARE on a P233 and ran Win95 quite happily. Don't think about
> running WIN98 or NT because that will be just too slow.
> About your soundcard: as long as your soundcard works in Linux, VMWARE will
> support it. It only emulates a SB16 in the guest OS, meaning that to have
> sound in the guest OS you have to install the SB16 drivers.
> All in all, VMWARE is a very good and clever product. I haven't ran accross
> one single app that doesn't run on the guest OS (as long as you don't want
> to run apps that rely on low level hardware acces, say you have a CDR on
> your host OS, but you won't be able to use that as a CDR in VMWARE, only as
> a CD).
> I recently read in a leading UK PC magazine (PCPLUS) that Vmware was a
> clever but stupid and useless product. I don't agree! Its the Ideal way of
> developing and testing cross-platform applications (or webpages for that
> matter) without the need of several expensive machines. But then PCPLUS only
> talks about Redhat, Suse and Debian as being THE linux distro's....
> Patrick Putteman
> Internet Support Manager
> Net7 - member of the Advalvas Group
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David van Balen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, October 09, 1999 10:03 AM
> Subject: [newbie] vmware hardware compatibility
> >
> > I'm considering trying out vmware using linux as host and running nt as a
> > guest os. Before I start, however, I have a couple questions for anyone
> > who is familiar with this product:
> >
> > - On their web site they say that vmware will run on any pentium system
> > but they recommend a PII266. Is the performance degraded significantly on
> > anything slower? (I have a PII233).
> > - Second, vmware is supposed to support only sb16 compatible sound cards.
> > Will my Yamaha OPL3SA2 card work under vmware?
> > - I'd also appreciate any other comments anyone might have about this
> > product.
> >
> > DvB

    I agree!  Vmware is a great product.  Just installed it again yesterday,
and put Win98 on as a guest  OS.  It might be a little slower, but I have access
to my  MS Visual C++ and other necessary programs, just a mouse click
away...which is alot faster than rebooting, plus I never have to leave Linux.! 
Haven't played with the sound or networking part yet, but I don't really need
either one in the guest OS, it's just for schoolwork.  Linux is my playground. 
Vmware is so cool, I might even buy it one of these days!  My $ .02     Tom

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