Anne Wilson wrote:

On Tuesday 05 Aug 2003 4:58 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Tue, 2003-08-05 at 13:41, David wrote:

Not to belabor this point, but -- I sent a message to the BBT IT
department and here is their reply --- what a hoot!

Dear Mr. Williams:

Thank you for writing to BB&T OnLine Support regarding
compatibility of WebConnect and Sun.

Sun Microsystems contain features that are not compatible with

Sun Microsystems uses their own Java, rather than Microsoft Java.
WebConnect uses the Java scripting found only in Microsoft
Internet Explorer and earlier versions of Netscape such as
Netscape 4.75.


Here's a question to ask them; do they only have white customers?

It's literally the same thing. Prejudicial treatment. (Not
intentionally, but because the IT department for that bank is stuck
with a Microsoft solution - which tells you basically where a large
amount of the profits they make go...)

I laid that out before to a US bank; they didn't like that all that
much; but as it was explained to them, it's the same basic

I've currently got something similar going with the Australian Tax
Office here over MS Java being used for doing our BAS (Business
Activity Statement)...

Since the people making the decisions are often ignorant of the issues, has anyone pointed out to them that IE can cope happily with non-M$ java, so no-one is excluded, whereas the opposite is certainly not true?

We must keep on banging away at these sites. If a site is selling something I can get elsewhere, I just move on if I meet the problem, but for government sites, banking sites, and other such services we need to fight for our rights


I had a go at PCWorld today about using MS Java on their websites, a guy from their sales dept rang to ask why we were not using their account facilities as organised, and I politely told them how use of MS java script makes linux customes at a disadvantage when visiting their website. I know it struck home.


John Richard Smith

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