On  9 Oct, Joe Brault wrote:
> Hello,
>       I have finished all of what the mini howto tells you to do to install a
> zip drive, but I do not know how to actually access my drive.  What is the
> command to actually mount the drive?  Or am I forgetting some steps in
> between.  Thanks in advance!
> Joe :)

Use the `mount` command.  Hopefully, somewhere in the HOW-TO there was
a step about putting a line in /etc/fstab.  Just mention either the
device name or the mount point (directory) to mount, and you'll be able
to access it.  Let's say that your zip drive is /dev/hdd (did you
create a '/dev/zip'?) and to be mounted at /mnt/zip.  You could give
either of two commands:

mount /dev/hdd
mount /mnt/zip

Both would work; mount just looks in /etc/fstab for the corresponding
line.  Be sure it's user-mountable ("user" being one of the
mount options) or else only root will be able to use the drive.
     -Matt Stegman

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