On Tue, 12 Aug 2003 13:10:07 -0300
"Cody Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> I have to use Xfree version 3 because 4 makes a lot of verticle bars
> and the colour gets messed up

ya, that's what I got too with my old Trio64V2. I picked up an old PCI
card at the junk shop, can't remember the name now. That might be a lot
easier than upgrading to the newest XFree. I got some info on their list
that the next version is going to have more support for S3 cards. *Or*
you could try installing the new MDK 9.2 beta, I think it has a more
recent version of XFree...Tom would know more about that than me, but
check it out on the MDK site.


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