On Monday 11 August 2003 09:04 pm, Dow Mathis wrote:
> Beat's me, Harv.  I saw the post by the other guy, and it got my curiosity
> up.  When I followed his link to http://stoppoliceware.org , they
> referenced the bill S. 2048.  So I went on a scavenger hunt and ended up
> with the info I posted.  I started not to answer at all, but I didn't see
> any point in letting others get their panties in a wad over something that
> didn't come to pass.
> dow

if it didn't pass, that's a good thing.  while my "panties" weren't completely 
in a wad, i am concerned over the whole issue.  i think it's something that 
we all need to be aware of that they have the intent of doing something like 
this and that more than likely it will become a reality sooner or later.  

while yes, 90% of the things people now do are considered illegial and 
copyright infringement, there are the other 10% that would be copying 
material that they own for legimate purposes, like the people that do buy a 
CD but then want to make a compilation CD of different artists for their own 
personal enjoyment.  i know my wife is one of those people that jsut wants to 
hear a few songs off of an album, using the computer to re-burn tracks from 
different CDs is a valuable tool for her in that she doesn't have to swap CDs 
in the car 15 times just to hear the songs that she wants to hear (plus makes 
her less of a hazard on the roads because she's not busy swapping Cds every 5 
minutes).  just my personal opinion though, i wanna do with my computer what 
i want to when i want to and i don't need the government telling me what and 
when i can/can't do something.  guess that's why i don't have XP on the box 
and why i won't get it.  :)

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