From: Ronald A. Yacketta

Hello all!!

I have been using linux at work for a good 2 - 3 months now and have been
loving it!
recently I have been required to use winblows NT (for lotus notes).
I do not want to give up my linux gui for the winblows gui etc..

What would be the procedures to export the kwm to winblows NT (under
I tried:
1) telnet to linux
2) set display to winblowsbox:0
3) startx (got a wm is already running on 0)
4) xinit -display winblowsbox:0 (same error as above)

I have exceed set in passive mode, it appears that exceed is not allowing
linux to take over the wm and manage it.
I then did a telinit 5 on linux (got the gui etc..), used the broadcast
feature of exceed, which listed my server. When I clicked on my server and
ok , exceed just chugged along and never displayed the kconsole login etc..
(as I would have expected)

can ne1 out thier assist me in exporting my linux kde to winblows (under
exceed or anyother xwin client/server for winblows)


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