> ya, every cvs since pekwm: version CVS Built on Wed Jun 25 01:06:31
> EDT 2003 has been seriously fuxored, harbour doesn't work, crashes,
> etc.
> That's what happens when you are completely rewriting the basic
> underpinnings of the WM, tho, so I don't blame Claes for that. He's
> coding away like mad, a new CVS commit seemingly every two days!

No kidding! I'm on the cvs list too.
He's doing some great stuff. Since the 1.3 version of pek works so well,
i decided to wait awhile till the new stuff is sorted out.  

My whole system is working well now.  Backup scripts, keyboard
shortcuts, mail program, spam program, etc...  The only problem is now
my computer at work sucks even more...

My sys is working well enough now that i am back to doing projects on my

> XFCE is cool, but I just can't get into it, I like keychains and
> autoprops too much!

Yeah, i just use it as a backup.  XFCE is definitely way cool, but i
have a strange personality, and pek fits it.


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