On Monday 25 August 2003 04:05 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
> does any one have any experience getting a HP-1210 multifunction printer to
> work? I have RTFM and RTFHTM and all it has done so far is confuse me
> according to the docs I have managed to configure and install it MCC sees
> it BUT the @#$&*%$ thing won't print. (printer was replaced usb cable was
> replaced printer will copy and scan using ximage. Any thoughts?

For the record, I have a HP PSC 950 multifunction and on one of the boxes that 
I had it hooked up to, I was having problems as well.  Not unable to print at 
all but it was spewing out garbage every time I tried to send a job to it.  
After monkeying with the drivers over a two week period, I finally relented 
and hooked it up to a different box altogether to try it out.  It worked like 
a champ straight out of the gate.  The only think that I could figure was 
some sort of incompatibility or issue with the USB ports or channel.  At any 
rate, I had spent so much time on it that it just wasn't worth it to keep 
hacking so I left it on the system that it was working on and set it up as a 
network printer for the rest of the boxes.

If you have another machine, you might try moving it over to there.  Also, one 
more hint, USB printers will not print unless they are on and active when the 
machine is turned on.  If you printer was off when you booted the machine up 
and then you turned it on, it will simply bit bucket all jobs that are sent 
to it.  Make sure to turn the printer on first and then boot the machine up.  
At least, that is what I have to do with my USB printer.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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