On Thursday 28 Aug 2003 1:41 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> On Thursday 28 August 2003 01:22 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> <snip>
> >     I know y'all believe memtest86 is _THE_ test, an I confess I
> > run it first too. But it's a weak test. It sort'a sux. Better is
> > mprime's #17, the torture test. Harder still, the acid test is,
> > cpuburn's 'burnK7'. One or two passes with memtest is a breeze,
> > run mprime's torture test thru test #1800 or so, run burnK7 for
> > 25 minutes ..... then you know your hardware is stable. So far I
> > am with an XP core at 2301, CL2.5-2-2-2 DDR427.
> Tom, I know you remember when I was having the spontaneous reboot
> problems? Well, you're right about memtest - I ran it overnight 2/3
> different times and never found anything - cpuburn....now thats
> *another* story!
Care to tell us more?  My granddaughter's 1-year-old (win98) box 
suffers from recurrent problems, and I'm wondering if this test would 
help.  So - what's involved in running it, how risky is it, and what 
sort of reporting does it give?


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