On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 14:24, HaywireMac wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 20:13:45 +0100
> Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > I fail to see the joke, too.  When I used to run it I used the on-line
> > 
> > checkers, and got nothing back but my router address.  What joke?
> Because it is *on* the machine it is trying to protect. You
> compromise the machine with a trojan, you compromise ZoneAlarm.
> Sorry, maybe joke was too harsh a word, but as I've stated, ZoneAlarm
> will not protect you as well as a dedicated firewall, or even as well as
> Shorewall, simply because it is not designed to deal with sophisticated
> attacks like trojans that can execute code on your system, thereby
> negating any protection ZoneAlarm would have presumably offered.
> Shorewall/IPTables offers a far more robust and subtle level of
> protection because it can actually read the header info of incoming and
> outgoing packets. AFAIK, ZoneAlarm cannot.

it is designed against trojans.  it blocks all traffic in & out by
default..and writes a signature for each app.  if the apps compromised &
tries to connect again, the sig is different.  Won't let it out
automatically, it stops it & asks if you want to let it.  Usually thats
good enough to alert a user to look twice at it.

is it the best out there? no. Is it still good against trojans & Shit?
IMO Yes.  Try an compromise a ZA'ed system.  You won't get far w/out
alot of effort...and that keeps out the majority of the crackers.


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