I sent three postings yesterday, but none of have appeared on the list. So 
here goes again.

On Sunday 31 Aug 2003 5:10 pm, Bryan Phinney wrote:

> People, before we go tarnishing a good company due to spurious rumors, can
> we please make sure that we have *ALL* of the facts straight.  While it is
> true and acknowledged that the Canopy Group owns SCO and they also have an
> interest in Trolltech, their total investment in Trolltech is 5% of the
> outstanding stock, compared to ~80% of the company being owned by
> employees. Canopy has absolutely no control over what Trolltech does,
> produces or the limitations thereof.
> The employees of Trolltech have worked hard to produce a superior product,
> they have supported the Open Source community and have been valued
> contributors to the Linux movement.  Just because they have some ephemeral
> connection to Canopy is absolutely no reason to start calling for boycotts
> or stop using a platform.  This kind of knee-jerk reaction can do
> irreparable harm to members of the open-source community and if you want to
> convince developers, businesses, etc. that open source is a bad investment
> and will cause them greater harm than sticking with the traditional
> proprietary model, I can't think of a better way to demonstrate it than to
> start some knee-jerk reactions to rumors about ownership.
> At the end of the day, we need to judge a company and organization based
> upon its actions, and spreading rumors, calling for negative actions is
> simply playing right into the FUD covered hands of those who would like
> nothing better than to see the open source community cannibalize itself.
> SCO is a very poor threat to Linux currently, but our own community is a
> much greater one due to this type of reaction.

Sorry, Bryan, if you thought my posting was a knee-jerk action. It wasn't
meant to be.

I had no idea that there was any link whatever between Trolltech and SCO until
today. It came as quite a surprise!

As SCO is regarded as "the bad boy" of Linux at the moment, I wondered if
Trolltech should be too.

That was my reason for asking opinions of other members of the list what they
thought of KDE and its use of QT. I wondered if, by using KDE/Trolltech,
others thought we may be giving moral support to SCO.

I certainly don't want to tarnish the name of such an excellent company as

Thank you for putting the record straight and explaining the Trolltech set-up.

Sorry if I have offended any one- I didn't mean to, and apologies to you, KDE 
and Trolltech!.



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