Dear friends:

I am having an urgent problem with my printer. 

For some reason, I can't seem to stop, that is, to dequeue the print
job. NO mattter what I do, it won't dequeue:

[root@adsl-77-232-94 sher]# lpq
lp is ready and printing
Rank   Owner      Job  Files                                 Total Size
active sher       7    /tmp/_pp_0000000786_1                 342086
[root@adsl-77-232-94 sher]# lprm
[root@adsl-77-232-94 sher]# cd /
[root@adsl-77-232-94 /]# lpq
lp is ready and printing
Rank   Owner      Job  Files                                 Total Size
active sher       7    /tmp/_pp_0000000786_1                 342086
[root@adsl-77-232-94 /]# lprm
[root@adsl-77-232-94 /]# lpq
lp is ready and printing
Rank   Owner      Job  Files                                 Total Size
active sher       7    /tmp/_pp_0000000786_1                 342086
[root@adsl-77-232-94 /]#                        

I turned off my printer (Epson Stylus Color 600). Then did a cold
reboot, disconnected my computer from the wall, removed the cable from
my printer, replaced the cable, rebooted and still the print job won't
disappear from the queue. It's a 75 page print job. I have only one
printer. Never had a problem with this before. That is, never had a
problem with dequeing a print job before, though, I would still have to
reboot in order to stop my printer, which, even after dequeing (after
lprm -7) would continue to print garbage. 

Now my problem is more urgent. The problem is not with the printer but
with Linux. I can't remove the print job itself from the queue.

One odd thing: I have rebooted several times and noticed that each time
I reboot, the printer would start printing from PAGE ONE, from the title
page, all over again, that is, even if it has already printed several
pages before I shut the printer down and rebooted. When I return, after
a cold reboot (as explained above), the printer will start reprinting
FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE MANUSCRIPT, from poge 1. Isn't that odd?

I hope someone out there can see what I cannot see. I simply cannot go
on until this printer problem is resolved.

Thank you so very much.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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