Merlin Zener wrote:


I was reading emails in Evolution, and something strange started
happening - after deleting a message [or clicking on "next"] it would go
to the previous message. And then, when I tried to open a message with
some HTML and images etc in it, Evolution just hung. No matter what I
tried, it just seemed locked. Wouldn't close or restore. I went looking
for the "Task Manager" but suddenly found that the three finger salute
brought up the Log Off menu!
Anyway, logging off and back on again didn't help - Evolution was there
again once logged in, still locked. Had to shut the machine down and
restart to get things working again.

SO: next time, what should I do?

I'm using fluxbox (previously used blackbox) .. and this is my (windows ironic) solution to freezes

I've got a shorcut for ctrl-alt-delet which executes 'xkill'
and one for 'ctrl-alt-shift-insert' which brings up the gnome process monitor where I can close off any processes I want .. or even look at cpu usage.

PS: also if worse comes to worst don't forget 'ctrl-alt-backspace' ... and if even worst things happen:

ctrl-alt-printscreen-s  (sync with the hdd the data)
ctrl-alt-printscreen-b (reboot if nothing else works)

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