On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 20:08, robin wrote:
> Inhabitant of Zion wrote:
> >>     ... please somebody explain to what's that part about Linus 
> >>Torvalds ... I thought he was the founder of Linux ... and suporter of 
> >>free software .. & stuff lik that ...
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >I can't be sure but as others have expressed it may be something to do with
> >the name (i.e GNU/Linux vs Linux). If you look at some stuff in Linux it
> >gives Linux as the registered trademark of Linus
> >Torwhateveritishecallshimself. Maybe there is some conditions in his
> >registering of the trademark that prevents anybody from taking the Linux
> >kernel,tweaking it, and calling the resulting OS GNUx.
> >  
> >
> I'm pretty sure that is the case, just as, shortly after the publication 
> of Gibson's "Neuroancer" (which coined the term "cyberspace") someone 
> with foresight trademarked "cyberspace", specifically so that no other 
> company could do so (and therefore sue anyone who didn't write it as 
> "cyberspace (TM)").  Linus' aim was largely to prevent the product being 
> hijacked by big companies with big lawyers, though it's possible that he 
> also wanted to retain some influence over what, after all, was his 
> brainchild.
> Sir Robin

In 1996 William R. Della Croce, Jr.started sending letters to people
claiming that he had licensed Linux in 1994. There was general outrage,
and a consortium headed by SST took the case to court, pointing out
they'd published 'Linux Journal' prior to 1994.

Croce's case was thrown out, and the trademark was more-or-less
presented to Linux Torvalds.

Wonder if SCO have heard about this?

Paul M.

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