On Friday 05 Sep 2003 5:38 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I can't seem to switch away from Gnome to KDE.  I've selected KDE in
> Mandrake Config:System:Interface (or similar), I've played with the
> Mandrake Config: Boot section, I've played with all the configs I can find
> and set all to KDE and rebooted, but even though they still say KDE when I
> check them, Gnome is booted up.  I don't want to delete Gnome, I do want to
> try other interfaces to see which suits me best.

Are you sure KDE is actually installed? In Mandrake Software Manager make sure 
you have kdebase kdegraphics and kdenetwork packages installed (at least)

While you are there. There are many other fine desktop managers which will 
work a whole lot better on your low end machine than either Gnome or KDE (KDE 
is especially large and a lot slower than the others)
On your CDs you have IceWM WindowMaker Enlightenment and Blackbox

If you go here http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon/index.php you can configure 
online sources for 'Contrib' (100s of packages not in the 'official' distro)
'plf' (packages considered illegal in certain countries - shock horror they 
might even allow you to play your DVDs)
'Texstar' new versions of packages packaged by the great Texstar, and
'Update' official Mandrake updates to fix bugs and security holes.

Your Mandrake Software Manager will then allow you to install other Window 
Managers from the network such as 'fluxbox' and XFce.

Some of these WMs will look very strange to you. They all have web pages with 
documentation explaining how to use them.

> I installed 9.1 from disks I burned myself from the Mandrake website.  3
> disks were called for, but there were 5 disks.  What's on those other 2
> disks?  I've looked around and can't seem to find descriptions of the disk
> contents (one seems to be an additional international data, the other is
> 'extras"?).

There are 3 CDs on the web. Boxed Powerpack versions of Mandrake have 5 CDs. 
The other 2 are the source code. (Not needed unless you want to hack code)

> Finally, since it looks like I've no plans for tomorrow (except as subject
> to change by the /dev/wife), I've been thinking about installing 9.2.
> Anyone here have bad experiences with this yet?  Should I wait 6 months?
> Since Mandrake 9.2 was released the day after I installed 9.1, would I be
> doing the linux community a disservice to install 9.2 tomorrow and thus
> spur the release of 9.3 for Monday?  <grin>
> Thanks,
> Max

9.2 is *not* released yet. A 'release candidate' is out. This may still have 
serious bugs. I would not personally recommend a brand new user to install 
anything other than the fully released product. That way we will be able to 
answer your problems when you report them.



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