On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 11:06, Todd Slater wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 01:55:21PM +0100, DrewMartin wrote:
> >         It is a well know fact that the script kiddies who write these
> > insidious pieces of code only do so, because Windows is such a wide spread
> > OS in the world out there.If/when Linux(or Macs) become the OS of choice for
> > the world at large,then the will start writing viri for these OS's too.
> I don't think this is a well known fact.
> Linux runs the majority of servers in the world--why haven't the
> script-kiddies been targeting Linux servers? On the other hand, there
> are plenty of viruses that target Windoze servers, which are in the
> minority. Your argument just doesn't hold water.
> >        Yes I do know for a virus to have full affect in Linux you must be
> > running as root,but some clever bastard out there will one day work out how
> > to rip thought that level of secretly.
> How would it propogate, then? To approach Windoze, every Linux user
> would have to be running as root.
> Todd
feeding trolls is the only way any sort of linux virus propagates...

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